Project Introduction
For this project I am going to continue off of my finals for the past few Java classes.
As a reminder, I will be doing a database management system for transaction information.
This will include a way to add transactions and a way to add items to those transactions.
I want to display the crucial information and allow for a search by transaction ID.
I will take from my final in CSC 322 and display the basic information in a one column
table. There will be two of these tables in a row: transactions and items. Clicking
on a transaction will populate the item column. I want to try to make
the cells clickable as a means of populating the other tables and double clickable
as a means to show a pop-up of the extra info of a cell. I also am going to add
buttons to edit the tables, such as 'add' and 'delete'. 'add' will open a pop-up to
enter information in a field and submit into the table.
- This site is meant for someone working at a tech repair shop to manage transaction information.
- There will be two talbes: transactions and items. Clicking a transaction will populate the items table. There will be a way to see more detailed information of each cell as well as a means for adding, deleting, and editing this information.
- The site should be operational by the due date.
- The site will be located at .
- This design is meant to optimize quality of life when managing a database for a tech repair company.
Stored Precedures
- This stored procedure is for updating a specific Transaction.
- I wrote it 12-09-2024.